
Our Composition Services include
  • STM Books and Journals
  • K-12 Education
  • Professional publishing (Financial, Management, Education, and Technology), English including language and literature
  • Trade publishing
  • Magazine publishing

Our Composition Services team can work with any pagination software such as InDesign, QuarkXpress, LaTeX, 3B2, XPP and MS Word. Besides, we are well-versed in Math Plugins such as XpressMath, InMath, and MathType.

We Specialize in
  • Auto composition tool (InDesign) that produces well-laid-out pages instantly
  • Single source input to produce multiple outputs
  • Custom workflow for book, journal and professional publications
  • Faster turnaround time
XML Conversion Services
  • Create DTDs, DTD and schema mapping, perform DTD edits and advise on DTD rules
  • We are experienced in a variety of DTDs including National Library of Medicine (NLM), Journal Publishing DTD, Book Publishing DTD, National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC), DocBook5, TLDoc DTD
  • Generate XML files as per DTDs, convert from one DTD to another, or customize XML based on editing tools and customized style sheets
At SmartScrolls, we receive your inputs as
  • Structured or unstructured manuscripts
  • Digital format or handwritten markups
  • ePUB, MOBI, microfilm or even system application files
We perform
  • Data entry or OCR as required with high accuracy
  • Develop or follow DTD schema or metadata
  • Edit Content
  • Perform quality checks
  • Check for factual errors
  • Incorporate edits
  • Index content
You receive output documents as
  • XML or SGML or any other specified format
  • Our XML workflow process enables the output to be also converted to any of the eBooks and other allied products seamlessly
  • Online eBooks or PDF or as ready-to-print files