TaurusQuest gets the output documents prepared in its delivery centers that are certified for ISO 27001: 2013 information security standards.
We conform to a world-class corporate governance codeOur directors, officers, and employees are covenanted to conform to a world-class corporate governance code which emphasizes fairness and ethics. We are a corporation supervised by an independent majority Board of Directors and owned by the founder/manager and employees under a stock option program.
Your data remains with youYou keep the systems (servers, computers and software applications) on your premises, ring-fenced by your firewalls. We access them remotely. We read your data and execute the accounting or other processes. We don't download or store your data on our premises. (If your processes require us to do so, we have further policies/practices to protect your data).
We access your systems/data in a secure mannerWe connect to your network/systems through a point-to-point virtual private network using an encrypted data tunnel. We mask all user ids and passwords you provide in encrypted tools executable (without being read) by authorized employees through approved workstations in our network. You are thus assured that our employees can connect to your system only from within our network and not from anywhere else.
We access your systems/applications through Citrix/Terminal Server software as much as possible.
Our Delivery Centers are secure environmentsEntry to our delivery centers is restricted to authorized staff only. All entries/exits are controlled (through biometric devices), which are monitored and recorded.
Our delivery centers are
Our delivery center networks are ring-fenced by firewalls that control access, prevent intrusion and provide logical security. We use open standard encryption for better protection.
All work stations in the service delivery area are denied access to the internet, email or chat facilities (outside a closed user group); they do not facilitate local storage of data or permit writing to any device (including CD/DVD, USB flash drives etc...). All equipment and stationery removals from our delivery centers are "cleaned" or "shredded".
Our employees respect IP rights and data confidentialityAll our employees have formal, enforceable employment contracts
All our employees are covenanted by contract to respect your IP rights and confidentiality of your data, processes, and plans. This covenant continues to apply even after the contracts have been terminated by either party. We have a policy of pursuing action against any violation of this covenant; we do this without exception.
We respect International laws on intellectual property rightsRegardless of where we deliver our service, we voluntarily agree to comply with US laws on intellectual property rights for our US customers. We are happy to build this into our contract with you should you require it.
We ensure you don't suffer when you disengage usWe want to serve you for as long as possible by providing you with continuous value through quality and productivity. If for some reason, you wish to disengage our services, all you need to do is deny us access to your systems and connect alternative resources. You are always in control. Additionally, should the need ever arise, we covenant to carry out a smooth transition to whoever you specify.